Daily Practice With Rochelle

As you are learning, transformation happens when we renew our mind. Many people often perceive repentance as simply turning away from all the negative or "bad" behaviors in their lives. However, the original Greek word for repentance, METANOEO, actually means to change your mind or inner self and turn back to the will of God. It involves recognizing that our current way of thinking is not aligned with God's plan for our lives and making the necessary adjustments. True repentance is about transforming the way we think and perceive the world around us, leading to a deeper alignment with God's purpose for our lives.

This week, I encourage you to pay close attention to the PATTERNS in your life that stem from negative beliefs. The patterns will tell you what is underneath. It's crucial to identify these negative pathways that have been shaped by distorted thinking and negative life experiences. By pinpointing these patterns, you can begin to challenge and replace them with thoughts that align with God's truth. This process of self-reflection and awareness is essential in the journey to waking up to who you really are. As you become more conscious of these negative beliefs, you empower yourself to make positive changes in your mindset and, ultimately, your behavior which leads to you showing up as HER- the daughter, bride and sanctuary:)

By exposing and uprooting negative beliefs and thought patterns, you pave the way for true transformation and renewed thinking. As you journey through this week, take note of any thoughts or beliefs that are not in harmony with God's Word and plan for your life. Remember, the renewal of your mind is an ongoing process that requires diligence and self-awareness. Embrace this opportunity to align your thoughts with God's truth, and watch how it influences your actions and decisions. May this week you make space for a time of reflection and growth as you embark on the path of renewing your mind and experiencing the transformative power of metanoeo.


Make a list of patterns that keep showing up. For example, It's always up to me. I am never enough. Every time something good happens, my world falls apart.

Are these ungodly beliefs that may be sabotaging your transformation and inheritance?

Repent and ask the Father to restore you to SHALOM!

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